E-Fit Fitness Solutions



Hi my name is Amanda I have cerebral palsy and I am wheelchair bound.
I have little to no cartilage on the right side of my body so moving my core was limited. It was through a neighbour that I became acquainted with Eyd. Being in a lot of pain I encouraged Eyd to take me on as a client as Hydro and physiotherapy being hard to get. The results as I hope you can see came with more movement and less pain. My posture and strength has and is improving exponentially through a targeted individual program. The mental and emotional bonuses of exercise especially with a good personal trainer can't even be measured. If you're prepared to put in the effort with a good trainer you can improve your life for years to come.


Almost 1 year ago next month I did not know my life will change for the better. I was searching for a Personal Trainer who really understood and cared the importance of movement health no matter what the situation. I say this because I knew I would be a challenge and thank the heavens that Eyd did not turn me down like everyone else did when I was looking all over social media. Oh sorry everyone I forgot to introduce myself my name is Jessica and I'am a survivor of a "Road Traffic Hit and Run" that's damaged my spine and a "2-time Stroke Survivor". And guess what, Eyd is my Personal Trainer who he's helping me build up my heart health and exercise from my wheelchair. My exercise program is amazing.

It's adjusted to the things I like to do before being in a wheelchair and things we work towards in my wheelchair.

We have a great fun while working together it's never one-sided.

So if you're ready let's do this let's make that change for everyone. If you don't you'll regret and as the saying goes if you don't use it you lose it.
Eyd will and can get you to where you want to be as long as you put in 100%.
It's all you.
Jessica F-Blay

Tracy Hallett

After having breast cancer and having lots of treatment and surgery to rebuild my body, my other half asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I told him I wanted gym sessions so I could go to the gym and know what to do and how to use the equipment without looking silly. My husband booked me some of Eyds' PT sessions.
It was the first time I realised that there were certain things I couldn't do, like putting my hands straight up in the air, and whilst sitting down, trying to lift both of my feet off of the floor at the same time. It was the first time I realised that I had a lot of work to do and how damaged my body actually was, but with hard work and techniques from Eyd as most of my workouts had to be adapted I can now do those things I couldn't do before.

I'm more confident in the gym and I am continuing my sessions with Eyd. This gives me motivation to keep going and keep improving and keeping learning new things. 
Just take that first step and you won't regret it.

Tracy review continued…

If you're reading this you're probably trying to decide if you should sign up with Eyd. Well, stop procrastinating and listen to Nike (Just Do It). I learned new training methods and splits. But it wasn't all plain sailing - I still had to put the work in. I found it easy and natural to create a trusted connection with Eyd. Every rep was for me AND Eyd. Whenever I felt I couldn't be bothered I did it for Eyd.
To be accountable to somebody else is a great tool but to be accountable to someone you truly believe in and trust, well, that makes you unstoppable. Yes, there were occasions when I was asked to follow methods that seemed contrary to my goal but Ed would explain with experience and science and that was good enough for me. One huge game changer Eyd provides is his video feedback. This is an inspired addition to his service. THIS is how you connect.

My results are a testament to not only my hard work but the exceptional and inspirational Personal Trainer that is Eyd.
Tracy Hallett
43yrs-still going!


Well what can I say about Eyd, I've been trying to find a Personal Trainer that understands my needs as I have ADHD my superpower. As soon as I met Eyd and he started to help me, he understood that for me this is a lifestyle change not a quick fix (even though I want ABS Right NOW). He's helped me in every way including above and beyond his pay grade believe me.(I'm like a toddler when I don't want to do things!!)... I am fitter, stronger than ever before and I actually enjoy it. I didn't think those words would come out of my mouth with exercising but here I am. Eyd is a fantastic Personal Trainer (The Best) but not only that, he actually cares about you and your well-being. He's worth his weight in GOLD.
Corinna Mazey
CEO Aesthetic Innovations Mk


Hi my name is Sheila, 49yrs old and mum of 5 kids. I've been working with Eyd for a few months now. Eyd is my Personal Trainer. He is also my Box Fit trainer and I do the Boot Camp classes with him as well. He is a great PT, funny, friendly and caring person. He always make sure I'm doing the exercises in the correct way to avoid any damage. My body and mind have changed drastically in a positive way. I am more confident, powerful, aware of myself and my abilities. I feel less pain or no pain at all. My mind is happier and my motivation is better. I now have a routine which helps me to keep me mentally, physically and emotionally healthier.
I know I can protect myself better due to Eyds' Boxfit classes, which helps me to be confident when I go out.
I used to have pain, I wasn't able to even drive, now I'm Driving and Running.
Thanks Eyd
Shelia Dias
49yrs old


Eyd knows exactly what you need by the way he instinctively looks at your movement patterns. He is a Personal Trainer of the highest calibre, and has an extremely vibrant personality to match.
I have been training/boxing for years but Eyd always teaches me a different perspective, I cannot recommend highly enough!
Lee Cox


My journey with Eyd has just been fantastic. Eyd has been brilliant in working with my specific needs and truly understands what is necessary to help me meet my goals. His detailed approach to fitness plans has exceeded my expectations. He is always at hand when needed, responds to messages quickly and it's really good in making you feel motivated that is why I can't recommend Eyd enough. The difference in having a coach is massive. Even if you think you know what you need to do, the power of accountability is huge. Eyd is super supportive, very knowledgeable, and quick to respond to any questions throughout the week. The feedback videos never fail to inspire, and two months in I'm seeing great progress in terms of weight loss, strength and muscle gain and general fitness and well-being. The added classes are a bonus and great fun. Being with like-minded people of all abilities, ages, shapes and sizes with the same goal of getting fitter. You feel part of a family and enjoy seeing each other on a weekly basis. This family too are motivational. You begin very quickly to look forward to seeing each other to not only discuss progress but enquire how things are going.
If you've been thinking about getting a personal trainer don't hesitate any longer. You'll get results. Drop Eyd a line. It'll be the best decision you've made..
Peter Graves
64 This year


What can I say about this man. I came to him at a really low point in my life. I had been injured and been out of semi Pro-Football for about 6-months and my injury had basically not improved and I didn't see a way forward.
His energy and enthusiasm is unmatched by anyone and I quickly came out of my funk. Not only did he improve my mental, but he took time to really consider my injury and the movements and came up with a unique plan, which we went at vigourously. 
I have so much love for him. I can honestly say he saved me.


I realised that if I wanted to reach my goals I was going to need support. I knew from the moment I met Eyd that he would be a good fit for what I needed. He broke everything down into manageable goals that I could work to each week and made everything feel way less scary. If you are looking for a fun, fast Personal Trainer Eyd is your man! He pushes your boundaries, I'm only a few sessions in but I can see the benefits of our sessions already. My upper body strength (that I never had) has improved impeccably and I really enjoy every session.


I haven't long started at the gym, and I have not got much confidence in myself and appearance. I joined a Core class which I knew at first I was going to struggle especially as I always feel uncomfortable working out in front of people. The Trainer made me feel at ease and comfortable, he has so much energy which is such a motivation to help push people to be better. I then started Personal Training sessions with him as I was struggling with a lot of things I couldn't do and he has now built my confidence up so much, and helped me solve my issues that I thought were unsolvable. I don't care about working out in front of people anymore, and I don't feel the pain I used to get whilst working out either.

If you're looking for someone to motivate you, point you in the right direction, even give you a boost of energy, as his is very contagious Haha I would recommend giving PT sessions with Eyd ago.
I don't think you'll be disappointed.


Eyds' energy is infectious and his passion for fitness makes him an excellent personal trainer. I feel stronger than ever and my confidence has sorn. I'm reaching levels of fitness I've not seen in decades and have lost a considerable amount of weight as a result.
If you're looking for a personal trainer, I highly recommended Eyd.
What are you waiting for ?!
Jo Picton


I have been going to Eyds' sessions since 2020 and can honestly say his energy & positivity are amazing. Eyd is a skilled motivator of people - it doesn't matter how big or small your goals are, he will share his knowledge and push you to go that little bit further, even without you realising. Nothing is too much trouble for him, he always has time to help, explain, demonstrate, encourage and motivate anyone who walks in the door. I can feel the changes-mobility has improved , so has my balance, coordination, motivation and core strength-pushed on by the battle cry "CAN YOU DO MORE".
There is no ego involved, no Hard Sell to sign up to PT sessions, just a genuine guy who wants to share his knowledge and enthusiasm and love of health and fitness with the world! And for those who think this is a mate saying nice things for the sake of it, try one of his classes IF you can get a spot-a full studio speaks volumes.
Gill 50+ and not dead yet


Eyd is a genuine honest guy who is not only fantastic PT but also quickly became a good friend. He allows you to believe in yourself and supports you in any way he can. Would recommend messaging Eyd if you have any fitness enquires or would need a PT.
Sophie Miller


Body image has never been my problem, it has always been about keeping fit and healthy, looking after my temple my body. When Eyd invited me to his Boot Camp class, I thought why not! If it's not for me I will just not go. Well, one year later I'm still giving it a try at the weekly classes. The exercises have increased my endurance as Eyd took no excuses. Mentally and physically the Boot Camp promotes and encourages the lifestyle change I needed to live the mantra "My Health is my Wealth". Practice makes perfect, so I keep showing up for classes.
I keep dancing, I keep pushing.
Sharon Lawson


I have been going to Eyds' Fitness classes for about 2 years now. He is absolutely mental but that's what makes the workouts so fun and enjoyable!! Before training with Eyd, I hated the gym and could barely do a sit up. Now, with his help, I have built the Core strength to do all sorts of Ab exercises the Stability Balls! I have learnt so much in the past 2 years and always look forward to Boot Camp session every week. Its full of great people with great vibes who make you feel so welcome. And we always have so much fun!!


Eyd has really supported my goals of getting fit and learning boxing skills. In 2022 I signed up for a White Collar boxing event and the day before my training started with the allocated boxing group, my dad passed away suddenly. This was a shock but made me more determined to be as good as I could be for my fight! I decided to sign up with Eyd to get my confidence up and be the best boxer I could be! Eyd really understood my goal and understood what I was going through at the time. He worked me hard and it paid off as I won my flight!! The attention to detail and the motivation he provided really made me feel at ease and confident. After my fight I missed training with Eyd so I joined his Box Fit Kung-Fu classes. These sessions are a part of my regular fitness now and really sets you up for the weekend! Eyds great, has a contagious laugh and smile – well worth signing up to meet your goals, I'm 100% sure he can help. Thanks Eyd. Hayley
Hayley Mckee


As a runner coming back from injury I signed up with Eyd to show me how to Strength train properly and keep myself injury free. What I got was All That plus a whole load of energy and enthusiasm from Eyd, a clear tailored plan, confidence in the weights room and strength I didn't know I had. And I smashed my comeback half marathon!
Andy Kiff